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Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Happy Birthday to Me

These cupcakes, from Sam's club of all places, were amazing
 It's my birthday, well not really, but it is this blogs first year anniversary. A year ago today I decided to take the plunge, starting with this dresser re-do and record all of the random crafts and things I get up to. If you're a frequent reader you'll have  noticed some of the changes taking place on the blog in the past week or so. I completely re-did my header and home page, added a more personalized side bar photo, changed the font, and added a support and popular posts section in the sidebar as well. For all of you new readers, you get the new and improved Guild of Goods! I wish I had taken a screen capture of the before and after but I forgot, which brings me to my next point.

The reason I made so many changes within the last week is that I want to continue to improve this blog and take it to the next level. Not only the blog itself, but my sewing and crafting as well. Here are some of my plans for the next year.

- I plan on focusing more on sewing and reupholstering this year with the occasional furniture re-do and crochet project. I think that having more of a focused approach will help streamline this space and attract more people with similar interests.

- More of the personalized photos, like the one above, that headline each post. Not only does it make a pretty picture on here, but if you're pinning these photos, the photo will say exactly what the post is about. That way if you forget to caption it when you pin it, you'll remember because of the tag on the photo!

- I also want to remember to take more pictures, and I want to start to get away from the cell phone pictures I've been using. I'm not really sure how to go about this yet because I'm not really ready to splurge on a fancy camera. I see a lot of sewing blogs use cameras that have remotes, which is ideal because you never need to ask someone to stop and help you take pictures. Does anyone know if they make webcams with remotes?

- I want to get better at recording the type of fabric I use in my posts and where I purchased it. Not only will this help  me keep track of fabrics I like or don't like, but it can help you as readers if you're venturing out on projects of your own.

That's about all I have for now, and I hope you all are just as excited as I am. Let me know what you think of the changes I've made so far. Do you like the new font and header? As I continue to work on this space feel free to leave comments either at this post or on my contact page. I'll have an upcycled filing cabinet that I'll be sharing tomorrow so check back then, and if you haven't already checked out the two newest Renfrew shirts I made you can check them out here.


  1. Love it!!! And Sam's club cupcakes are awesome!

  2. I like the new look...feels like spring!

  3. I like the new look...feels like spring!
